These are the chronicles of the esoteric . . .
Happy New Year!
It's a few days late, but as they say, better late than never.
For the past two years I've posted a January list of resolutions - complete with a brief overview of how I did on the previous year's resolve. I'd like to do something different this year. Instead of boring you with a copy-and-paste list of failures and renewal of ambitions, I'd like to give you a taste of some things I've been working on for the site. That is, other than the design update I've been touting for the past, oh, twelve months, I've been working on some writing in my freer time.
As many of you know, my family and I, along with my in-laws, purchased a house which my dad and I have been renovating since early summer. We finally all moved in a few weeks ago - we're finally all home. Now that life is settling back down to normal (most of our boxes are unpacked and I'm working a normal 8 hours a day again) I've been thinking a lot more on things I started writing back in February, in addition to trying to gather together thoughts on more recent musings. Thus, the following is a list of what I'm hoping to get up on the site this year - this is by no means an exhaustive list, but it is at least a beginning.
A three-part blog series on suffering, which may grow to more parts. I started this one in February and lost my resources while packing, but I'm back in business now.
A series of blogs looking at theological themes based on my initial reactions from movies such as I Am Legend, Batman Begins, and Defendor to name a few.
A blog or two on Martin Luther's theology of grace
A follow-up to last year's Lent series that discussed Jesus as the Passover lamb, but this time we'll look at sin
More pizza reviews
I'll be preaching once or twice this year as well - certainly in Spring, and possibly again later in the summer
So that's a little bit of what I'm looking at right now and what you can keep coming back for. I might be doing a few book reviews as well (who can say?), but the biggest thing coming up - and most immediate - is to finally - finally! - switch the site over to the new format.
Anyway, I hope you've all had great holidays and are splendidly transitioning back into the normal day-to-day. Until next time!